Weekend placut!!
Tu ai plecat demult
GIULIA a scris:O noua actritza, la filmari!!!
geta a scris:cea mai frumoasa actrită !!!!!E clar , pisicile sunt mascotele KPA
distrati-va cu cele spuse de omer la aeroport cand l-a vazut pe leventA pity 11 is not showing yet. Omer was amasing. At the airport when Elif was meeting the blind courier and Levent was picking them up. He said: ''If I don't pluck your eyes out and puncture your ears, then let them not call me Omer again''. And to Ipek when she asked him if he was worried about Elif or was he jealous of Levent, he replied: '' Yes jealous, very jealous. Do you have your answer now ?geta a scris:
geta a scris:E gelos Omer , crâncen de gelos ... bine că nu se razbuna pe Elif . Cam așa fac bărbații geloși , în general. Omer e un caz particular !!!
GIULIA a scris:
Nou, de la Wetta!!!