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    Kara para ask 3


    Mesaje : 8351
    Data de înscriere : 31/07/2014
    Varsta : 73
    Localizare : Bucuresti

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Empty Re: Kara para ask 3

    Mesaj  geta Sam Noi 15, 2014 11:02 pm

    Tradus de Mariadrag
    "elif:capitane,este timpul sa/ti iei medicamentul
    omer este surprins sa o vada pe elif imbracata in haine neoficiale/de firma
    omer:scuzati/ma ne cunoastem?
    elif:ce?de ce te uiti la mine asa?am fost de am spalat vasele...ia asta...
    omer:ok,ok...doar glumeam...cand te vad asa...
    elif:este confortabil
    omer:dar cand porti tu acesta devine trendy...
    elif:nu fii ironic cu mine,bine?
    omer:arati foarte frumos...foarte dragut elifa trebuie sa te sacrifici pentru mine...
    elif:acest lucru este nimic in comparatie cu ce ai facut tu pentru fost impuscat din cauza mea...a mea si a surorilor mele...elvan:am pregatit camera lui omer..hai si te odihneste
    in camera lui omer
    elif:lasa/ma sa scot asta
    melike inchide usa
    elif:esti bine?
    omer:da sunt bine
    elif verifica daca omer respira
    elif:Dumnezeul meu iti multumesc!
    elif il verifica din nou si omer o trage de mana
    omer:nu am de gand sa mor, poti scapa de mine
    elif:o sa fii mereu cu mine,ok?
    omer:iti promit...iti promit ca voi fi...
    elif:noapte buna
    omer;vino langa mine...lasa/ma sa dorm cu mirosul tau..
    elif:mama ta este aici,nuu...ce vor crede despre mine daca ne vede?
    omer:ce sa creada?ca sunt indragostit nebuneste de tine...
    elif:nu in afara casatoriei...
    omer:signorina ma ceri in casatorie?
    elif:esti asa de rau,doar glumesc!
    omer:vad....obrajii ti s/au inrosit din nou...vino aici...ahh,umarul ma doare mult...
    elif ii da un sarut rapid
    omer:noapte buna d/ra
    elif:noapte buna capitane
    omer:buna dimineata
    elif:buna dimineata,esti bine?ai dureri?
    omer:ma dor un pic cusaturile
    elif saruta pieptul lui
    elif:va trece...ti/am adus micul dejun...
    omer:imi place aceasta situatie destul de trebui sa fiu impuscat din nou?
    elif:sa nu indraznesti sa mai spui asta din nou si te rog sa nu ma mai sperii asa din nou...
    omer:ok,am vrut doar sa glumesc
    elif:n/o face,nu glumi cu este placut
    elif:da,covrig si branza...dar de data asta vei bea lapte prima data si ceai dupa...
    omer:voi avea ceai mai tarziu?
    elif:da si ai de luat o pastila si trebuie sa mananci ceva inainte
    omer:elif azi merg sa/l vad pe metin
    omer:elif,nu/mi spune cum sa/mi fac treaba...lasa/ma sa o termin...

    Mesaje : 8351
    Data de înscriere : 31/07/2014
    Varsta : 73
    Localizare : Bucuresti

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Empty Re: Kara para ask 3

    Mesaj  geta Dum Noi 16, 2014 12:42 am…
    asli:care este cu mai putin zahar?
    melike:Dumnezeu sa binecuvanteze mainile fiicei mele..bea,bea iti voi spune destinul din cafea cand o vei termina...
    asli:spui destinul?
    melike :hmm
    asli:nu cred in ghicit...cred ca nu ar trebui sa ne credem in ea...e ca un drog...
    melike:noi nu credem in ea,este doar pentru distractie...stii ce se spune "nu crede in in ghicit dar nici nu sta fara el"
    ele isi savureaza cafeaua...
    husein:vremea devine mai rece,nu?
    asli:hm...iarna este dupa colt...
    husein:spun ca anul acesta va ninge
    asli:vine zapada ca natura s/a dezechilibrat
    husein isi bea cafeaua
    asli:ajunge!chiar si bunyamin surmeli(faimosul comentator CNN-Turk pentru vreme)nu a vorbit atata despre vreme cum am facut/o noi
    asli,elif si nilufer rad
    husein:ce e asa de amuzant?este doar vremea...
    elvan:am copt kunafah...proaspete din cuptor..
    asli:va multumesc foarte mult...mancarea a fost delicioasa ...suntem multumesc
    omer:incearca doar un kunafah si mai vorbim...
    tacere stanjenitoare
    arda:ar trebui sa jucam table...
    asli:o idee super...elif este un foarte bun jucator de table...daca ea nu conteaza degetele ei da...ok...dr ea este si un jucator de tenis foarte bun...este o inotatoare foarte buna...acum nu mai poate inota pentru ca se teme de pesti...are o acrophobie...ceea ce am vrut sa spun este ca toata lumea din familia noastra este un pic nebuna...
    melike:slava Domnului ca suntem normali
    asli:cred ca esti un pic vorbareata
    melike:elif,sora ta este foarte amuzanta...
    melike:mama,iti amintesti cand era omer mic?l/am trimis dupa niste kunafah...cand s/a intors s/a impiedicat si le/a scapat...
    omer:eram la scoala generala atunci,eram mic...
    melike:adevarat...dar neindemanatic ai fost si cand erai adolescent,,,te/a trimis mama la magazinul alimentar sa iei niste venit pana acasa si in fata usii ai varsat tot iaurtul...
    elvan;a fost plin de energie,pentru ca era entuziasmat si incerca sa ajute pe toata lumea,ai uitat?
    melike:ai dreptate..
    asli:scuzati/ne,vizitarea pacientului trebuie sa fie scurta...
    elvan:as vrea sa aduc desertul...
    nilufer:va multumim mult ,totul a fost mergem,asli are nevoie de odihna..
    asli:te rog sa nu te pupat cand am venit ne mai pupam,sper sa te faci bine...
    omer:multumesc ca ati venit
    nilufer:multumesc pentru multumesc foarte aveti o seara buna....sper sa te simti mai bine omer...
    omer:multumesc nilufer
    elif:sa va intorc...
    dupa ce ele pleaca
    husein:mama,nu te mai gandi la ea..ea este nebuna familiei lor..
    melike:in mod evident..

    Mesaje : 8351
    Data de înscriere : 31/07/2014
    Varsta : 73
    Localizare : Bucuresti

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Empty Re: Kara para ask 3

    Mesaj  geta Dum Noi 16, 2014 2:18 am

    episodul 25 fragment

    Mesaje : 10710
    Data de înscriere : 31/07/2014

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Empty Re: Kara para ask 3

    Mesaj  GIULIA Dum Noi 16, 2014 2:28 am

    geta a scris:episodul 25 fragment

    Trailer for episode 25 :
    O:How could you change your mind like this
    E:I am only trying to protect us
    O:It's not going to happen my Elif not going to happen
    E:Every choice is leaving something behind Omer
    Man:don't worry Mr.Tayyar I am going to do everything in power that Ömer and Fatih will not come together
    Arda:she look at the picture of Huseyin 10 minutes that woman she saw him she very flustered
    E: dr. please tell me what's going on what kind of surgery are you talking about here
    Doctor: Mr. Ömer maybe never be able to use his arm as before.

    tradus de mariadrag cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers

    omer:elif,cum ai putut sa renunti?
    elif: incerc doar sa ne protejam
    omer:nu,elifa mea,nuu...
    elif:fiecare alegere inseamna a renunta la altceva...
    politistul corupt:nu va faceti griji d/le tayar....voi face tot ceea ce va fi necesar...omer si fatih nu se vor intalni niciodata...femeia l/a vazut pe fratele husein si s/a uitat la poza 10 min....a cazut pe ganduri...
    elif:d/le doctor ce se intampla?ati putea va rog sa/mi spuneti despre aceasta interventie chirurgicala?
    doctorul:probabil va fi imposibil pentru d/l omer sa/si foloseasca bratul ca inainte

    Ultima editare efectuata de catre GIULIA in Dum Noi 16, 2014 3:50 am, editata de 2 ori

    Mesaje : 10710
    Data de înscriere : 31/07/2014

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Empty Re: Kara para ask 3

    Mesaj  GIULIA Dum Noi 16, 2014 3:24 am

    Nou, de la Weta!:   bounce  bounce  bounce  bounce


    Mesaje : 8351
    Data de înscriere : 31/07/2014
    Varsta : 73
    Localizare : Bucuresti

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Empty Re: Kara para ask 3

    Mesaj  geta Dum Noi 16, 2014 2:15 pm

    Buna dimineataKara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 10806454_291415477720850_5763634472986340404_n

    Mesaje : 8351
    Data de înscriere : 31/07/2014
    Varsta : 73
    Localizare : Bucuresti

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Empty Re: Kara para ask 3

    Mesaj  geta Dum Noi 16, 2014 8:16 pm

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 10537414_821906117871837_289047838399760556_o

    Mesaje : 10710
    Data de înscriere : 31/07/2014

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Empty Re: Kara para ask 3

    Mesaj  GIULIA Dum Noi 16, 2014 9:46 pm

    geta a scris:Buna dimineata

    Salut! Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 KYojV9Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 1n5yn1Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 3R0DP2Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 QLymsO

    Mesaje : 8351
    Data de înscriere : 31/07/2014
    Varsta : 73
    Localizare : Bucuresti

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Empty Re: Kara para ask 3

    Mesaj  geta Dum Noi 16, 2014 11:38 pm

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 10525841_681226915328966_92100044936407929_n

    Mesaje : 10710
    Data de înscriere : 31/07/2014

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Empty Re: Kara para ask 3

    Mesaj  GIULIA Lun Noi 17, 2014 5:01 pm

    Buna dimineata !
    flower flower flower flower

    de la prietena mea Alexandra:


    Mesaje : 2221
    Data de înscriere : 31/07/2014

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Empty KARA PARA ASK

    Mesaj  dojin7777 Lun Noi 17, 2014 5:43 pm

    Am avut emotii ,imi era teama ca vom ramane doar cu citania tarcovnicului.Dar din fericire rusoaicele nu se sinchisesc de greci!
    cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers

    Mesaje : 677
    Data de înscriere : 04/08/2014

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Empty Re: Kara para ask 3

    Mesaj  auroracosma Lun Noi 17, 2014 6:44 pm

    dojin7777 a scris:Am avut emotii ,imi era teama ca vom ramane doar cu citania tarcovnicului.Dar din fericire rusoaicele nu se sinchisesc de greci!
    cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers
    Da eu ce ma fac? Ca nu stiu rusa mai de loc. Ultimul episod chiar avea nevoie de o traducere mai consistenta dar mie oricum mi-a placut mult.

    Mesaje : 8351
    Data de înscriere : 31/07/2014
    Varsta : 73
    Localizare : Bucuresti

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Empty Re: Kara para ask 3

    Mesaj  geta Lun Noi 17, 2014 6:53 pm

    auroracosma a scris:
    dojin7777 a scris:Am avut emotii ,imi era teama ca vom ramane doar cu citania tarcovnicului.Dar din fericire rusoaicele nu se sinchisesc de greci!
    cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers
     Da eu ce ma fac? Ca nu stiu rusa mai de loc. Ultimul episod chiar avea nevoie de o traducere  mai consistenta dar mie oricum mi-a placut mult.
    Sper sa -ti dau eu traducerea. Dar te rog sa-mi spui daca te-ai descurcat cu cea de la ep. 23. Stai linistita ca ti-o trimit pe mesaj privat pe facebook. Apropos , ma vei gasi cu numele Georgeta Radulescu , pentru ca mai erau vreo doua Geta Georgeta , iar una dintre ele e din Constanta si are 63 de ani. Chiar atata coincidenta , mi s-a parut suspecta.

    Mesaje : 10710
    Data de înscriere : 31/07/2014

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Empty Re: Kara para ask 3

    Mesaj  GIULIA Lun Noi 17, 2014 7:35 pm

    dojin7777 a scris:Am avut emotii ,imi era teama ca vom ramane doar cu citania tarcovnicului.Dar din fericire rusoaicele nu se sinchisesc de greci!
    cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers

    prietena mea Alexandra a fost plecata intr-o excursie in Egipt ( asta e motivul pt care nu s-a putut ocupa de subtitrari)

    clipuri noi:

    Un nou clip Askasone!! cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers

    Elif&Ömer - One Heart

    You can run and you can begin'
    In a place where you don't fit in
    Love will find a way, yeah

    When you're down, you can start again
    Turn around anything you're in
    Love will find a place, yeah

    If you got one heart you are followin'
    One dream keeps you wondering
    Love lights your way through the night
    One wish keeps you tryin'
    What's your silver lining
    Loves lights your way through the night

    You can fall a thousand time
    You can feel like you've lost your mind
    Love will find a way oh yeah yeah
    In a minute it can change your life
    In a moment it can make you right
    Love will find a place, yeah

    If you got one heart you are followin'
    One dream keeps you wondering
    Love lights your way through the night
    One wish keeps you tryin'
    What's your silver linin'
    Loves lights your way through the night

    Everybody needs something to hold on to
    Everybody needs something to hold on to
    if you got one heart you are followin'
    one dream keeps u wondering
    love lights your way through the night
    One wish keeps you tryin'
    What's your silver linin'
    Loves lights your way through the night

    Love will find a way
    Love will find a way in your heart.

    Mesaje : 10710
    Data de înscriere : 31/07/2014

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Empty Re: Kara para ask 3

    Mesaj  GIULIA Lun Noi 17, 2014 8:28 pm

    kpa ep.25

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 10675581_783886875010370_3483283590678576815_nKara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 10406968_783887131677011_7361129623381624147_nKara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 11051_783888685010189_538825279377438613_nKara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 1384385_783888855010172_720876082822295777_nKara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 10665810_783889041676820_7368455382493359598_nKara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 10171703_783891945009863_1419678933552949820_n

    Mesaje : 677
    Data de înscriere : 04/08/2014

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Empty Re: Kara para ask 3

    Mesaj  auroracosma Lun Noi 17, 2014 8:33 pm

    geta a scris:
    auroracosma a scris:
    dojin7777 a scris:Am avut emotii ,imi era teama ca vom ramane doar cu citania tarcovnicului.Dar din fericire rusoaicele nu se sinchisesc de greci!
    cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers
     Da eu ce ma fac? Ca nu stiu rusa mai de loc. Ultimul episod chiar avea nevoie de o traducere  mai consistenta dar mie oricum mi-a placut mult.
    Sper sa -ti dau eu traducerea. Dar te rog sa-mi spui daca te-ai descurcat cu cea de la ep. 23. Stai linistita ca ti-o trimit pe mesaj privat pe facebook. Apropos , ma vei gasi cu numele Georgeta Radulescu , pentru ca mai erau vreo doua Geta Georgeta  , iar una dintre ele e din Constanta si are 63 de ani. Chiar atata coincidenta , mi s-a parut suspecta.
    Merci mult da m-am descurcat foarte bine si te-am reperat apari la mine Radulescu acum ,orice e posibil cu internetul asta da e si bine .precis vom avea trailer azi daca au aparut poze.Multumesc inca odata

    Mesaje : 8351
    Data de înscriere : 31/07/2014
    Varsta : 73
    Localizare : Bucuresti

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Empty Re: Kara para ask 3

    Mesaj  geta Lun Noi 17, 2014 9:15 pm

    Deocamdata a aparut subtitrare in greaca si spaniola , dar sunt numai cateva linii. Sunt incomplete. Eu sper sa apara o subtitrare in engleza , completa , asa cum au fost celelalte. Pakistanezele vad ca pun subtitrare in continuare. Pentru ep 23 exista subtitrare si la ele. Pana miercuri sper sa vedem filmul tradus. Giulia are noroc cu rusoaicele . Oricum , cand va apare in engleza o sa pun fisierul pe facebook pe mesaj privat .

    Mesaje : 10710
    Data de înscriere : 31/07/2014

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Empty Re: Kara para ask 3

    Mesaj  GIULIA Lun Noi 17, 2014 10:05 pm

    Episode 25 summary

    Omer gets very angry when he learns that Elif pull back her complain about Metin for him. Elif wants decision from Omer.However Omer is not going to choose between Elif or case he will not give up either .He is determined to question Metin. Elif will not let Omer go to question Metin alone and they continue to argue in the car .They will have an accident. Omer will hurt his shoulder again and taking back to hospital. Dr will tell Elif that using his arm in jeopardy if Omer is not careful. This will jeopardize Omer`s future and his job. Does Elif going to tell this to Omer ?

    Tayyar now receiving dialysis and he does not have not much time .He needs to get kideny from Metin. Because Metin is in jail this will be big obstacle for Tayyar. Does Tayyar will be able to get Metin release from jail? Does he able put his plan to action get his kidney?

    Nevin is not tell anything about Huseyin to ARDA.However after seeing Nevin reaction to Huseyin`s picture his suspicion will grow against to Huseyin. Why did Arda show Huseyin`s picture to Nevin what was the reason? Does Arda will be able to convince Pelin to believe him ?

    After all the effort Tayyar realized Omer is not going to change his mind about case . Tayyar will come up with another plan to solve this problem forever. His goal is the get Omers attention to something else and leave his case alone. What will be Tayyar`s plan that will shock Elif and Omer ?

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 10421600_893392090672040_6761093171137931075_n

    Tradus de Mariadrag:

    indici ep.25
    elif este ingrijorata de sanatatea lui omer...nilufer se straduieste sa se ocupe de problemele copilului asli...ttayar vrea sa impiedice o discutie intre omer si metin...aceasta solicitarea devine o problema care ameninta sanatatea lui omer...sunteti pregatiti pentru inca o noapte la spital???
    omer:haide,cand ma saruti/pupi nu mai doare asa de mult...cred..
    elif:opreste/te omer,poate veni cineva...
    metin a aflat ca nilufer nu mai depune plangere impotriva lui...
    metin:a fost o greseala sa ma/ndoiesc de dragostea ta si sa te invinovatesc....tu esti familia mea,nilufer...
    in cazul lui arda si pelo apar noi evolutii...mai degraba fosta sotie a lui arda are o surpriza pentru ei.....acest episod este plin de planuri ale lui tayar...el afla ce este necesar sa faca pentru a trece de puteti imagina despre ce e vorba???


    Care credeți că iubirea este setul cel mai convingător de perechi?

    la aceasta ora:

    1. Elif ve Ömer - Kara Para Aşk - Atv
    1908 25 %

    Mesaje : 8351
    Data de înscriere : 31/07/2014
    Varsta : 73
    Localizare : Bucuresti

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Empty Re: Kara para ask 3

    Mesaj  geta Lun Noi 17, 2014 11:37 pm

    Sorry guys for the delay, but have been busy with family obligations

    But now, Enjoy!

    The episode starts with Elif cradling a bloody Omer in her arms while she shouts at Arda to do something. Arda has called for an ambulance . Meanwhile a worried Tayyar is given the news of Omer being shot while saving Nevin, by Chief Ali. This worries Tayyar more.

    Pelin is blaming herself for Omer’s shooting. She cant get out of the shock that her gun was used to shoot her friend. Arda consoles Pelin that nothing will happen to Omer. The ambulance arrives and Omer is taken to the hospital. Elif is besides Omer.

    Sami blames Pelin for this mishap but Arda cools things down for the moment. Sami tells that he will see Metin and from there he will come to the hospital. Arda and Pelin leave for the hospital.

    Metin asking for his mom and Sami brings her in. He tells about Omer and says they can start taking his confession now he has seen his mother. The mother and son hug andNevin whispers in his ear not to say anything to the police.

    Tayyar tells Ali that he wants to see Fatih and wants to know what is Omer’s condition. Ali is worried whether Metin will talk or not. In the hospital, Elif tells Omer’s family that Omer is having an operation as he got shot.

    Nevin doesnt want to complain against Tayyar but Arda wont give up. Sami is getting no where with Metin as he says he’ll give his confession to only Omer.

    The entire Demir family and Denizer family along with (wannabe part of the families) Bahar and Levent are at the hospital waiting for the doctor to come out of the operation theatre. After an agonizing wait, the Doctor comes out and tells that the surgery is over but Omer is in a critical condition still. He took out two bullets, one from the shoulder, and one near from the heart. It seems like a watch in his pocket saved Omer. Elif exclaims that was her gift to Omer. The Doctor said that well that watch saved Omer’s heart from getting hit by the bullet. The doctor allows only family to visit Omer in the ICU for only 5 minutes.

    Ali says that luckily Metin didn’t speak and they both agree to take care of Nevin later. According to Ali, Omer will be dead by the evening and they both celebrate.

    Hussein goes in but cant bear to see Omer and he breaks down. Malike sees him crying on the stairs and asking God to take his life and spare Omer. Malike tries to console Hussein but he gets angrily and walks out.

    Elvan makes Elif go and see Omer as its too much for a mother’s heart. She tells the nurse that Elif is Omer’s betrothed.

    Arda tries his best to comfort Pelin. Hussein is in a manic mood and gets stuck in traffic. He takes out his gun and starts to walk.

    Elif comes into the ICU and takes Omer’s hand in hers and starts to talk to him. She tells him that his mother told the nurse that she is his fiancée. Did Omer hear that? Moother Elvan named Elif as Omer’s betrothed. Elif says that she didn’t want to be rude Omer hasn’t proposed to her yet. Elif says that they found each other very late in life and so have a lot to experience still. She didn’t even know what his blood group was? She wants to know what kind of a childhood he had. How did he handle his father’s loss? She wants to know everything about him. Omer has entered her life now and conquered her heart.Now he has a responsibility towards her.

    Elif wants to find their song, she wants to go see movies with him and do everything a couple in love does. She wants to have happy memories as they both had had enough despair and loss in their lives. The first time, Omer confessed his love for Elif at the breakfast date, Elif was in another state of mind and didn’t value it, the second time he confessed, he closed his eys, now Elif wants him to wake up and say it again to her ,

    Hussein arrives at Tayyar’s. He reaches Tayyar’s and shouts at him. Hussein says that I warned you to stay away from my brother, but now its Tayyar’s time for a trip to hell. Hussein stabs Tayyar and leaves him to bleed all over the carpet.

    Elif is still talking to Omer. She plans a holiday together. The nurse tells Elif that her time is up now. Elif kisses Omer and comes out.

    Pinar looks in for Tayyar and sees him bleeding. She hesitates at first but still calls for help later on. (coward)

    Fatma is lamenting but Elif shuts her up by saying that Omer is still alive and she should stop her mourning cries.

    Pinar shouts for the doctor and police but Tayyar says so to police. No one will know about it Tayar says,not even Mert and makes Pinar call a trusted doctor. The doctor performs a successful surgery and saves Tayyar. Tayyar calls Hussein and under sedative he threatens Hussein.

    Ali shouts at Arda and Pelin that why they didn't update him about the plan and that they hold Pelin responsible for Omer being shot. Pelin is suspended till investigation is completed.

    Elif and Hussein outised the ICU. Hussein talks about Omer as a baby and says that he misjudged their relationship as its hard to be a police officer’s girlfriend. .

    Arda says to Pelin that it could have been him instead of her. But Pelin isn’t listening. Sami comes in and Arda defends Pelin again in front of him Sami agrees that Omer being shot was an accident, but as the plan was within the 3 of them than who is the snitch? Arda says he will find the mole and make Sami apologise.

    Elif asks the doctor about Omer. The Doctor isn’t hopeful but Elif says that Doctor you don't know how stubborn Omer is. You will see he will wake up. The doctor says to Elif come in, he needs you to be near him.

    Metin is taken to the prosecutor. He asks how is Omer.

    Tayayr is informed that Metin didn’t say anything to the judge but his condition requires him to be taken to the hospital immediately. Tayyar’s kidney had to be taken out and the other one isn’t functioning properly (serves him right!)

    Elif, doctor and nurse go in to see Omer. Elif tells Omer to wake up as enough was enough. She whispers I love you in Italian. The doctor wants Elif to go now but ElIF PRAYS FOR Omer to wake up. And Omer’s hand move, and he opens his eyes and says What;s up Signorina

    Mert visits Fatih in the prison and tells him that he is going make Nilofer fall in love with him. This makes Metin angry.

    Elif comes out of the ICU and collapses on the seat. Everyone thinks its bad news but doctor says Omer is now out of danger. Elif finally breaks down and cry

    Three days later

    Omer is home and being looked after by the entire clan. He learns that Metin wants to speak to him only and tries to get up to go but Elif does not allow him. Sami asks Elif if she is sure of her decision? Omer will be mad when he gets to know about it.Elif says she is going to stand by her decision.

    There is massive party at Omer’s place. Arda has finally convinced Pelin to come along as she is very hesitant as she does blame herself as the guy who shot Omer knocked her down .If she had not fallen may be he wouldn’t be able to get the gun. She tries to apologise to Omer but Omer says that she doesn’t have to, she is like a sister to him and he would die if anything happened to Pelin.

    Asli entertains everyone with her tactics but is irritated by Melike. While going back, Asli says to Nilofer that Omer' family is very poor and this relationship won't last She think that they are too different with Omer's family.

    Elif stays behind and Elvan prepares her bed next to Omer’s.

    Fatma is shocked by Elif sleeping in house but Elvan says to Fatma that she shouldn’t mix in the kids’ business.

    Omer wants Elif to sleep with him but Elif denies that since they are not married , it isn’t appropriate.Omer says she cant save her self from him and he will be always with her.

    At breakfast Omer says he will go to see Metin today but Elif wouldn’t allow him. Fateh is delivered a letter from Tayyar which says that Tayyar accepts him as his son and he is sorry for everything.

    Asli freaks out that she is bleeding, something must be happening with the baby

    While our smart Arda arrives at Nevin’s and says that he wants her to look at photos to recognise the man who brought her from Bulgaria.

    Elif says that Omer was saved with difficulty and she cant loose him again so she and Nilofer took back their complains. She wants to have a safe, happy life with Omer and after loosing her parents, she cant loose him and now he has to choose between her and Tayyar.

    Omer is shocked

    KPA Pakistan Fans Admin Team

    Mesaje : 10710
    Data de înscriere : 31/07/2014

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Empty Re: Kara para ask 3

    Mesaj  GIULIA Mar Noi 18, 2014 12:17 am

    Kara Para Aşk 25.Bölüm Fragman 2

    Ö:what is it something related to me ?
    Why are you here ?
    I have good news
    Tayyar: good to see you my son

    Tradus de Mariadrag!

    omer:ce se intampla...este ceva ce ar trebui sa stiu...
    metin:de ce ai venit?
    X:sunt aici pentru ati da vesti bune...
    tayar:ma bucur ca esti afara,in sfarsit,fiule...felicitari

    rezumat ep.25
    cand omer afla ca elif a renuntat la reclamatie din cauza lui devine foarte furios...mai mult elif,vrea ca el sa aleaga intre dragostea dintre ei si acest caz...omer n/are nicio intentie de a renunta la vreuna dintre ele...el este foarte hotarat sa/l interogheze pe metin ...elif,vine cu el la departamentul de politie...el insista sa conduca si au un accident...omer a fost lovit din nou la umarul ranit...este dus la spital din nou...doctorul ii spune lui elif cat de serioasa este starea lui...daca omer nu va avea grija nu va putea sa/si folosesca bratul deloc...viitorul si cariera lui omer sunt in pericol...ii va spune elif acest lucru lui omer???
    tayar ,care este legat de o masina de dializa nu are prea mult timp la dispozitie...el trebuie sa obtina rinichiul lui metin cat mai repede cu putinta..dar este dificil pentru ca metin este in reusi tayar sa/l scoata afara???va reusi in planul lui de a obtine rinichiul lui metin???
    arda nu reuseste sa o faca pe nevin sa toate astea,el devine mult mai suspicios in ceea ce/l priveste pe husein vazand suspiciunile lui nevin uitandu/se la poza ce nu/i arata nevin poza lui husein???va reusi atrda sa o convinga pe pelin despre husein???
    tayar isi da seama ca omer nu va renunta la acest caz,indiferent de aceea el face un alt plan pentru a rezolva aceasta problema si a/i pune capat...scopul lui este de a face in asa fel incat sa pana la urma sa/l pune in practica acest lucru...noul plan al lui ii va soca pe elif si omer???

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 14000_783981685000889_5264740482225841633_nKara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 16416_893463703998212_309281719640186409_n

    Ultima editare efectuata de catre GIULIA in Mar Noi 18, 2014 4:41 am, editata de 2 ori

    Mesaje : 8351
    Data de înscriere : 31/07/2014
    Varsta : 73
    Localizare : Bucuresti

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Empty Re: Kara para ask 3

    Mesaj  geta Mar Noi 18, 2014 1:54 am

    Noapte buna . Ma pregatesc sa vad  "Oyle bir  gecer zaman ki"
    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 10649631_784057468326644_6574962525939785551_n

    Mesaje : 10710
    Data de înscriere : 31/07/2014

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Empty Re: Kara para ask 3

    Mesaj  GIULIA Mar Noi 18, 2014 4:29 am

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 10806394_784058401659884_3734635656054470378_nKara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 GLaab3Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 CDMUjg0Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 CDMUjg0Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 AY5zXyY

    Mesaje : 8351
    Data de înscriere : 31/07/2014
    Varsta : 73
    Localizare : Bucuresti

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Empty Re: Kara para ask 3

    Mesaj  geta Mar Noi 18, 2014 12:38 pm

    Buna dimineata . Rad cu pofta . In incercarile mele de a gasi o subtitrare la ep 24 , am intrat fara sa vreau pe niste site-uri unde lumea se straduieste sa traduca in greaca si spaniola si am primit o multime de mesaje de la respectivele persoane . Deocamdata n-a aparaut nimic terminat, in sensul ca sunt traduse cateva dialoguri. Nesemnificativ. Am vazut ca Harun spune ca va da un cod , o invitatie la persoane pe care le cunoste si fiecare din acestia , va transmite mai departe codul la alte 10 persoane cunoscute si sigure. Codul insa ... ar trebui sa-l asteptam mult si bine. Eu le inteleg , avand in vedere ca grecii sunt extrem de vigilenti. Vom vedea . Emily Monty a pus un fisier document cu traducerea unor secvente ( 13 la numar ) din episod.

    Mesaje : 10710
    Data de înscriere : 31/07/2014

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Empty Re: Kara para ask 3

    Mesaj  GIULIA Mar Noi 18, 2014 6:07 pm

    geta a scris:Buna dimineata . Rad cu pofta . In incercarile mele de a gasi o subtitrare la ep 24 , am intrat fara sa vreau pe niste site-uri unde lumea se straduieste sa traduca in greaca si spaniola si am primit o multime de mesaje de la respectivele persoane . Deocamdata n-a aparaut nimic terminat, in sensul ca sunt traduse cateva dialoguri. Nesemnificativ. Am vazut ca Harun spune ca va da un cod , o invitatie la persoane pe care le cunoste si fiecare din acestia , va transmite mai departe codul la alte 10 persoane cunoscute si sigure. Codul insa ... ar trebui sa-l asteptam mult si bine. Eu le inteleg , avand in vedere ca grecii sunt extrem de vigilenti. Vom vedea . Emily Monty a pus un fisier document cu traducerea unor secvente ( 13 la numar ) din episod.

    Am mai scris, Harun  a gresit cand a dezsecretizat grupul.. atunci cand prima data  era grupul secret, asa se proceda, erau in grup  doar persoane constiente, care transmiteau apoi linkul doar  prin mesaje private la persoane de incredere.. Dar.. l-a mancat  "undeva" si a facut grupul public, si de atunci au reaparut problemele Sad  Sad  Sad  Sad  Sad

    Clipuri noi!bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce

    ENGIN AKYÜREK Omer&Elif Любить друг друга ( Sa iubesti unul pe celalalt)


    Mesaje : 10710
    Data de înscriere : 31/07/2014

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Empty Re: Kara para ask 3

    Mesaj  GIULIA Mar Noi 18, 2014 8:42 pm

    Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 KYo4N7Kara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 02dPqZKara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 10386398_559883857490454_8886609829412870167_nKara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 Z14vpVKara para ask 3 - Pagina 8 JYZ0OD

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    Mesaj  Continut sponsorizat

      Data/ora curentă este: Vin Noi 22, 2024 8:53 pm